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Our mission : " Introduce to the world... Colloidal Silver ! "


The questions you ask us

General Question

What is colloidal silver used for ?

Humans have enjoyed the beneficial properties of silver for thousands of years. Today, it is used to fight infectious diseases
(bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites) and to strengthen the immune system.

Is colloidal silver dangerous ?

The only recurring side effect is argyria: argyria is characterised by a grey/blue colouration of the skin caused by very large
doses of silver.
No cases of argyria have been documented following the ingestion of commercially manufactured colloidal silver. The rare
reported cases of argyria occurred following the domestic production of silver salts, which were then consumed in very high

What is the working principle of colloidal silver ?

The antiseptic action of colloidal silver can be explained in at least 3 ways. All three explanations are tied to its ability to inactivate microbial DNA and proteins, without damaging the tissue:
1. Disruption of the outer membrane proteins of pathogenic organisms
2. Inactivation of bacterial enzymes
3. Inhibition of bacterial reproduction by way of their DNA

Does colloidal silver destroy good bacteria ?

According to Dr Pedersen, there are no harmful effects on the gut microbiota. Colloidal silver only destroys pathogens with a
primitive cell structure, thereby maintaining the sensitive balance of the intestinal flora by preserving the good bacteria

Our Product

What is the shelf life of our product ?

Our product has a PAO (Period After Opening) of 6 months: once the bottle has been opened, you have 6 months to use it.
This recommendation is based on tests carried out by independent laboratories before the product was placed on the market.
However, our internal tests indicate that it is completely effective after 6 months.
As long as the bottle has not been opened, it can be stored indefinitely.

Should I dilute colloidal silver ?

There is no need for dilution; you can use your solution as it is. Our product, although more concentrated, still contains an
extremely small quantity of silver.

Why choose a more concentrated solution ?

After going through the scientific literature, we found that many researchers came to the following conclusion : the more
concentrated the solution, the more effective it is. Based on this observation, we worked for more than a year to produce the
most concentrated colloidal silver solution possible via electrolysis: our tests allowed us to consistently achieve a concentration of 40 PPM.
The claim that solutions over 10, 15 or 20 PPM are less effective has been flying around for a while. There is no scientific data
to back up this theory

What colour is our solution ?

Our solution is completely transparent, which reflects its quality. The smaller the particles, the more transparent and effective the
solution. The colour of the gel can vary due to oxidation: the colour does not affect its effectiveness

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